It has been suggested that I create a blahg [that's not a typo] to discuss my interest in music. I was going to call it METALmorphosis [being the clever one, naturally], but someone already took it [far more clever, or quicker, than I]. They didn't spell it as cool as I would have, however. Whatever!
This blahg will be about the bands I like and why I like them. All encompassing reasons [that I can think of at the moment of typing]. I just hope that everyone [honestly, probably 2 or 3 people] find it an interesting enough read to warrant repeat viewings. Not of the same blahg, mind you, but of differing topics/bands. Although, I suppose it wouldn't be too bad if someone wanted to re-read a post. I'll just have to wait and see if that happens.
There might be a few blahgs that don't have anything to do with music. Bare that in mind when visiting. I would like to hope that I'll keep to the topic at hand, but maybe I won't feel like spreading the digital ink about music that day. Let one slide every now and then. If I go TWO days, however, bust out the chopping block and make some heavy handed threats. I'm not scared....right now.
So, this here's the inaugural! The rest following [but remember the scant few!] should be about my musical endeavors. Perhaps you'll be inspired to check out a few of these artisans. Be sure to let me know in the comments box.
Yes, I want you to write in my box. Not THAT box. I don't have one of those. Even if I did I wouldn't want you inking it up. Maybe a tattoo, but that's something ENTIRELY different. Most don't look like handwriting. Though, either would this as you have to type it. Maybe that wouldn't be so bad. TOPIC AT HAND! TOPIC AT HAND!
Comment if you will. Be prepared for some mild insanity on my "off" days. They might be more frequent than you think.

Here's a fat [but happy!] seal.